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[Research Books 2] Memories of the Uprising and Cultural Reproduction



Na Gan-chae, Jung Geunsik, Kang Changil et al.



Publication Date

05. 25, 2006.

We have been reproducing historical memories in various genres since the era of silent lamentation in the 1980s, through the era of testimony, and the era of representation. Cultural representation does not end with merely bringing the past into the present, but reconstructs the present world of life and frames the future. The past reproduced through various media enters the present everyday world and dominates the collective unconscious and emotions.
The May Cultural Movement and the April 3 Cultural Movement showed how cultural and artistic imagination and historical consciousness can be combined, and were the sites of experimenting on how to reproduce the historical memories of the past in the present horizon. Understanding how the past is reproduced from which perspective and in what style in these areas is the key to understanding the way we face the past and weave our present life. Furthermore, considering democracy after democratization, it is inevitable to predict how cultural reproduction will take place and sometimes ask in what direction it should develop.