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Interdisciplinary Graduate School of NGOs


게시물 검색
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of NGOs 목록
No. Code Credit Class Details
1 GR22088 3.0 ◦Modernization and Social movement in Korea ◦Theory of Social Movement in Korea ◦The May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju ◦Case study on democratic movement In Asia
2 GR18998 3.0 Students learn the impact of the May 18 Uprising on the development of Korean NGOs.
3 GR21557 3.0 In modern society, Politics lost its true meaning and become a scene of conflict over interests and power struggle. This course focuses on governance which is the relationship of government, market and NGO.
4 GR18141 3.0 -
5 GR22098 3.0 ◦ Historical Case studies of International conflicts around races, nations, religions, territories, etc. ◦Understanding of in natecharacteristics of International Relations with critical perspectives. ◦History and activities of Peace movements for resolution of international conflicts and struggles.
6 GR22100 3.0 ◦'Womenization' of International labor migration in the context of neoliberalism ◦Analysis of gendered geographical power relations between the homeland and transnational socials pace through disjuncture or conjuncture of race, class and national differences ◦How to reconstruct / deconstruct of women' scommunities, women' scultures, women's right movement, and citizenship crossing the national borders.
7 GR18317 3.0 -
8 GR22084 3.0 To deeply understand current civil society in each country by approaching such countries' human rights historically in East Asia
9 GR22085 3.0 To broaden the perspective by understanding each country's modern era in modern East Asia from a political history approach
10 GR01816 3.0 This study aims to deepen understandings on the protection of Basic Rights by researching and analyzing the interpretation theory and the trial practice with a reference to in the Constitutional provisions and the International Human Rights Charter.
