[NGO] 논문심사를 위한 필수 서류 제출 안내 / Guidelines for submitting required documents for examination
2022학년도 전기(2023년 2월) 석사학위수여예정자는 2022. 10. 4.(화) ~ 10. 7.(금)에 심사용 논문 및 서류를 학과(전공)로 제출해주세요.
<학위청구논문 제출자격>
1. 논문제출자격시험(어학․종합시험)에 합격한 자
2. 대학원 지정 연구윤리 교육을 이수한 자
3. 보충과목 이수 대상자는 보충과목을 전부 이수한 자
4. 이전에 수료하였거나 당해 학기에 수료가 가능한 자
5. 기타 학과내규에서 정하는 자격을 갖춘 자
<석사 논문 제출서류>
1. 심사용 학위청구논문 3부.
2. 석사학위청구논문 심사원(붙임 ②) 1부.
3. 학위논문 연구윤리 준수확인서(붙임 ④) 1부.
4. 연구윤리 교육 이수 수료증(붙임 ⑤ 매뉴얼 참조) 1부.
5. 심사료 입금 영수증 1부.
- 석사 논문심사료: 100,000원
- 심사료 입금 계좌번호: 광주은행 074-107-437304 전남대학교(논문심사료)
- 반드시 논문제출자의 학번으로 입금하여야 함.
+논문 심사위원 선정과 관련하여 지도교수님과 상의 후 추천 명단을 학과에 알려주시면 됩니다.
<연구윤리 교육>_이수 방법은 첨부파일 확인하기
Those who are scheduled to grant a master's degree in the first half of the 2022 school year (February 2023) should submit thesis and documents for examination to the department (major) from October 4, 2022 (Tue) to October 7, 2022.
<Qualification for Thesis Submission>
Those who have passed the qualification exam (language and comprehensive exam)
Those who have completed the research ethics education designated by the graduate school
From those who are subject to taking supplementary courses, those who have completed all supplementary courses
Those who have previously completed or are able to complete the program coursework within the semester
Those who have the qualifications stipulated by other departmental regulations
<Required Documents for Thesis Submission>
-Master’s Degree Thesis
3 copies of master’s degree thesis
1 copy of the Request for Evaluation of master’s degree thesis
1 copy of the receipt of thesis examination fee
*Bank Account for Examination Fee : 광주은행 074-107-437304 전남대학교(논문심사료)
* Examination Fee (Master degree : 100,000 WON)
*The applicant should transfer examination fee according to his/her student ID number.
1 copy of the Thesis Research Ethics Compliance Certificate
1 copy of the Research Ethics Education Completion Certificate
(online educational session of Research Ethics for Graduate School Students from the Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology)
+Talk with your advisor regarding the selection of thesis reviewers and let the department know the recommended list.
<Notes for reference>_ Be sure to read : )
<The Research Ethics Education>_To complete the course, check the attachment
석사논문제출서류한국어.zip (253.5K)
790회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-09-13 10:41:43 -
Required Documents for Thesis Submission.zip (2.0M)
793회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-09-13 10:41:43