NGO 2023 Fall Semester Graduate Admission Guide for International Students and Overseas Koreans
2023학년도 후기 일반대학원 외국인 및 재외국민 전형 모집요강 및 세부 추진 계획 안내하오니, 우수한 외국인 유학생의 많은 지원을 바랍니다.
Our University announce '2023 Fall Semester Graduate Admission Guide for International Students and Overseas Koreans', So please apply for excellent students.
<Admission Schedule>
Items | Schedule | Notes |
Application | Monday, April 3, ~ Wednesday, May 3(18:00), 2023 | -For details about the online application, please refer to “5-1. How to complete your application( 15p). |
Submission | Monday, April 3, ~ Thursday May 4(18:00), 2023 (in person) Monday, April 3, ~ Thursday May 4, 2023
※ Post submission materials will not be accepted in case
they arrive after the submission deadline. | ☞ Where to submit ○ Address: Office of International Affairs G&R HUB Room#214, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong‐ro, Buk‐gu, Gwangju 61186, South Korea ○ Tel: (+82) 062-530-1267 |
of Acceptance | Friday, June 16(16:00), 2023 | Applicants can check the admission result
with their application number and date of
birth on the OIA website.(Admission▶Notice) - All notices related to the admission will be
announced on the OIA website.(Admission▶
Notice). Therefore, please be sure to check
the notice on the website regulary during the
admission period. - All contents in ‘Notification for
Successful Applicants’ are very
important matters related to admission,
so be sure to check and complete all
procedures within the specified period. |
[ Admission Inquires : Office of International Affairs, CNU ]
□ Tel : +82 62-530-5952 FAX : +82 62-530-1269
□ E-mail :
□ Website : > Admission > Graduate(대학원/硏究生)
□ Address : Office of International Affairs, G&R Hub Room#214 Chonnam National University 77
Yongbong-ro, Bukgu, Gwangju (Postal Code 61186)
[국문]2023학년도 후기 일반대학원 외국인 및 재외국민전형 모집요강.pdf (1.1M)
1704회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-04-10 13:25:54 -
2023 Fall Semester Graduate Admission Guide for International Students and Overseas Koreans.pdf (1.0M)
2630회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-04-10 13:25:54