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on 검색 결과

  • 게시물 140개

공지사항 게시판 내 결과


Books 게시판 내 결과

  • This book aims to examine how memories of the May 18 Democratic Movement were organized and reproduced through the keyword "image, text, and place.". The book consists of three parts. Part One, reflecting on how to remember and reproduce the May 18 Democratization Movement and Image, Part …

  • The studies published in this book show that May 18 was not just a 10-day protest, but extended in time before and after the uprising, and was not limited to Gwangju and Jeonnam in space. In particular, the practice of the Chonnam National University student movement before May 18 is directly relate…

  • The struggles over the truth of 5·18 and the Contemplation of memory, Recording, and Reproduction will continue in the future. It is impossible to predict where the debate about what is truth and what should be truth will go, but in the process, memories, records, and representations will be constan…