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2023Understanding the Roles of Local NGOs in the Promotion of Youth Civic Engagement in Cambodia and the Challenges KEAT BOTYPHALLYVONG

2023Expectations and realities of Vietnamese marriage migration from the Mekong Delta region to South Korea NGUYEN THUY DIEM

2023A Critical Analysis of the Temporary Protection Directive for Displaced Ukrainians in France Florent Laurency

2023Understanding Multi-Roles of Human Rights NGOs on Digital Rights Literacy in Indonesia Unggul Sagena

2021Understanding the Educational Role of Local NGOs in Promoting Multicultural Citizenship : the Case of Gwangju, South Korea CHAN HOI YEE

2021A Case Study of Nepalese Women Migrant Workers Working in South Korea ROSYKC

2021An Analysis on the Electoral Success of the Third Political Party(Pakistan Tahreek-E-Insaf) in Pakistan SHAHNAWAZ

2021미얀마의 여성운동과 NGO 활동가들의 젠더교육: 양곤과 까친 주의 활동가를 중심으로 황정아

2020Understanding Ethnic Minority Students' Perception of Secondary Education in Vietnam NONGTHINGHIPHUONG

2020The Effect of Power Structure on Corruption in Indonesia GMNURLINTANGMUHAMMAD

2020A Comparative Study on the Dynamics on Development Process of Human Rights Cities : Gwangju City, South Korea, and Wonosobo, Indonesia ZICO MULIA

2019The Relationship between Uses of Social Media and Ethno-Religious Affection in Malaysia LEE SUK PEI

2019Politics of Participatory Budgeting Adoption: A Comparative Study of Popular Control in Solo and Porto Alegre MIA ROSMIATI

2019A Comparative Study on the Youth participations in the Uprisings : 1990 Gono-Andolon in Bangladesh and 1980 Gwangju in South Korea KAYES SHAHED

2018A Study of Nepalese Migrant Communities in South Korea: With Focus on the Role of Migrant Communities and Challenges K C DINESH

2018A Comparison of Democratization Movement in Burkina Faso and South Korea through Stakeholders’ Perspectives : Study of Political Transition and Election Results KABRE STEPHIE MELINA

2018A Study of Thai 'Illegal Workers' in South Korea TAJAROENSUK MR. DON

2017구술생애사를 통해 본 여성 활동가들의 여성주의 정체성 형성과정 차경희

2016이주민제작자 영화작품의 특징과 내용에 관한 연구 -영화를 통한 이주민의 한국이미지 재현을 중심으로 서영숙

2016초등 돌봄교사의 노동과정연구 -광주지역 초등돌봄교사의 고용형태와 노동조건을 중심으로 김현미

2015장애자녀돌봄에 대한 가족의 역할갈등(장애자녀 어머니의 증언을 중심으로) 김정심

2015국무위원 인사청문회에서 드러난 언론의 정보제공 형태에 관한 연구(한겨레신문과 조선일보를 중심으로) 박한기

2015한국사회 이주 미얀마인들의 종교적·문화적 공동체 연구 : -광주광역시 ‘담마야나 선원’의 사례를 중심으로- THET HNIN SWE

2014보육교사의 근무환경만족 결정요인 연구 손주리

2014탈성매매 여성의 생애사 연구 임수정

2013지역언론시민운동의 특성과 발전방향에 관한 연구 : 광주전남민주언론시민연합과 전북민주언론시민연합의 비교를 중심으로 나세홍